ABOUT PICS: Bath time is his FAVORITE time! He loves, loves, loves to splash around and get as much water out of the sink as he can!! He also loves to stick his feet in his mouth any chance he gets...even in the bathtub!
The pirate pic is from a birthday party that we went to of a friend of ours, and he really liked looking at everyone in the silly hats. And my favorite pic is the one of him in his stroller with his "old man" hat on.....sooooo cute!! (Erik thinks he looks like a little Indiana Jones)

Hey guys!! We are doing soooooooo well!! We had a great few days in San Diego! We were able to visit the zoo and also Sea World, and also saw some family and a few friends. Dylan did really well on the drive there and on the way back, we drove at night, and he slept the whole time. He is such a trooper! Although he really did not seem too interested in many things at the zoo or Sea World, he did enjoy seeing all of the seagulls chasing after us, trying to get our food! He thought they were pretty funny! We hope to have a longer trip later, but we were very thankful for this time to get away.
We went to clinic this past Friday and received only good reports! PRAISE GOD!! It's so nice to consistently hear good news. I even talked the doctor into letting us have a whole week off!! We will be going next Monday, and hopefully we might be able to switch to going every other week. That would be AMAZING!! Friday, we also celebrated Abby's 1st birthday in the clinic. I did not get any pics because I was video taping her and Dylan together....but it was so cute!! She was covered in cake and icing, and when we sat Dylan next to her, she kept grabbing his cheeks! They are so much fun to watch when they are together. I love the way babies react when they are around other little ones their age. She is doing really well post-transplant and she is looking more vibrant every week we see her!! God has been so good to us, and its a huge blessing for us to see our good friends doing well too!!
In other news.....we were in the local paper!! A friend from church writes for our city paper and was doing an article on organ donors and blood/marrow donors and she was able to use Dylan's story for the article. We made the front page!! As far as I know, the article was circulated in the Surprise Independent, and also in the Arrowhead area. Just another way that God is using Dylan to reach out to others! AWESOME!! Another thing we are doing is setting up a link on AMAZON.com that will allow Dylan to get 4% of proceeds that come from people shopping on our link. I will try to get it set up this week....so if you are planning on shopping on Amazon.....hold off until we get our link set up!! Every little bit helps!!
We are hoping to get a confirmation this week on whether or not Dylan will get the state insurance.....please keep that issue in your prayers. We will be paying for our first month of COBRA this month....and hopefully it will be the last!!
Last, but not least............DYLAN IS OFFICIALLY ROLLING OVER!!! YAY!!! He has been doing it the past week when he is in his bed, but NEVER when I could see him! But yesterday and today, he has been showing off a lot and gets really excited when he rolls onto his tummy! He is a constant joy in our lives and we are so very excited to wake up with him each and every day!! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support....you are AMAZING!!
With love from our home to yours,
The Praskins