365 days ago, Dylan received his life saving cord blood transplant.......and 365 days ago, God healed our son. To God be the glory!! We never thought this day would come, and it's through tear filled eyes that we remember the last 365 days!! Wow, God has blessed us so much. Although it does not seem like it has been a year already....so much has happened since then. I can remember that day as if it were yesterday. We were so anxious, and praying harder than we have ever prayed before. "God, could this be it? Is this how you are choosing to save Dylan? Will he make it through this?"....so many unknowns, but one thing was always clear....God was in control, and Dylan's life was in His hands. To this day, I still wonder why God chose to heal Dylan, but has taken so many children that were close to us home to be with Him. Why us? Why Dylan? All I know is that we did NOTHING to deserve such a miracle and we will do EVERYTHING to make sure that God is given the glory through Dylan's life. We know that the Lord has great plans for Dylan and that He has already used Dylan to touch the lives of others!
We will be seeing Dr. G this week for Dylan's 1 year check-up and I am excited to get the report!! Thank you to all of you who have traveled this journey with us! You have helped us more than you could ever know.
We rejoice with you! To GOD be the glory! Wonderful!!!! Kathy (and Vaughn) Van Liew
ReplyDeleteI can not thank you enough for your wonderful friendship and support you have given to me this last year. I am truly so happy for dylan! I know it was a wonderful day on the 11th being a year, but that you spent it with us on a sad day must have been so hard. All I can think is Run Dylan Run! I laugh even as I write this because he represents so many of us! :) I know Bekah is with God and we are so blessed to have had her, but not only that but we are so are so blessed to have met you too! I hope we can still get together and have that lunch. I don't know when your next appointment is in town, but let's plan a lunch date then. I would truly love to see you and see how Dylan just keeps getting bigger and bigger!
Thank-you also for the precious memories in the book and the collage. We will hang the one up in our hallway and forever cherish both. You helped make her memorial service so special and personal. Thank-you.. love to Dylan and the rest of you! God Bless~Sharlah
I am so thankful for little D and for his parents!!! Praise God for what He has done. I can never read your blog without crying, even when it's good!! Love you guys!!
ReplyDeleteYEAH DYLAN!!! Such a cute little man! 365 days, wow, what a great milestone!