In the first EEG, you can see that most peak activity is on the 6 bar range. In the second EEG, done two weeks later, the activity has pushed past the 6 and is peaking on the 8 bar (it's hard to see the numbers on the chart) If you look at the circle diagrams on the right, you can also see where the brain activity is shifting. When we first met with the doctor, he said he wanted to see more color in the 2nd of the 3 brain images. The first EEG shows all blue in the second circle, but when you look at the most recent EEG diagram, you can see that there is a lot more color action in the 2nd circle!! This is AWESOME!! The doctor was very pleased with the progress in just two short weeks!!
Although we are having fun over here in the amazing California weather, we are also missing our family and friends! We have decided to drive home for Easter!! We are all so excited! What better time to come home and be with family and friends?! Erik is flying back early on Wednesday to take care of some business stuff and then I will be driving home with the kids on Friday after therapy in the morning. Please, PRAY FOR ME! I have done it once before but it is definitely not on my favorites list of things to do with my munchkins! I am thankful we are able to leave early because I tend to get sleepy while driving. I will be making a lot of phone calls and cranking the music!! We have to keep the trip short and drive back on Monday morning. Dylan's follow up EEG is on Monday. We were thankful that they could schedule it late in the day and that we will not be missing any treatments.
Progress Update: We have not noticed too much over the past week. Dylan is definitely more vocal about his needs and wants and pushes the envelope on what he is and is not allowed to do. He has become a kissing monster. Not sure where this has come from, but it is a welcomed new habit! He acts as though he has adopted the european culture of kissing on the cheeks upon greeting people! That, and smelling hair! Every woman he greets, he sniffs their hair, multiple times. And then sometimes, if you're lucky (or NOT lucky) he will stick his finger in your ear. Dylan is strange. There is no denying his goofiness! But the kissing thing is hilarious and I love it! It makes me feel so special and loved when he kisses me multiple times accentuating the "Muah" kissing sound! SO CUTE!! That is, until he he starts to kiss the door and the wall and whatever else is around. I told you....he is a funny little one!!
Well, I think that is all for now! I will have more to share later! There is always something to talk about when it comes to D! Have a great day!!
I love it!!!