Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chemo today, rest tomorrow

Hello Everyone!! Dylan had some chemo today to "hold" him over until transplant week. He will not get the high dose chemo until the week of transplant. The plan for now is to rest tomorrow and then on Friday he will get another spinal tap to check for the leukemia and also an MRI. They want to do another MRI to double check the small masses that showed up in his last MRI about 2 1/2 months ago. (as of last MRI they thought the masses were clumps of white blood cells, so those should be gone) He has had a good day today. He has been in a great mood all day and has been all smiles! He is such a flirt with the nurses!! His day consists of eye drops every 4 hours to avoid some side effects of the new chemo drug; mouth care, which is when we clean out his mouth with a little sponge--he doesnt like it too much, but it will be a necessity once the mucus in his mouth starts to get thicker due to transplant. He also gets bathtime everyday, and he loves it! After bathtime comes the not so fun part of getting his dressing changed, but as soon as it is over he is happy again. Erik's mom and dad were able to come out and visit today too so that was fun! They even gave Erik and I time to go back to the Ronald McDonald house for a much needed nap!! We both passed out for 2 hours of much needed sleep! Erik is driving back home tonight and will be back this weekend. Until then, its just me and Dylan :) My mom will be out on Saturday so I am looking forward to that! Its hard being so far away from everyone, so visits from family are much needed!! I even had VERY unexpected visitors Monday night!! My brother Mark and his fiance Renee thought I sounded sad and decided to make the 2 1/2 hour trip out to see me!! they were sooooo sweet!! They were only able to stay a couple of hours, but it was an awesome surprise!! (crazy kids!!)
Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and prayers!! And we will talk to you tomorrow!! :)
Love Michelle

1 comment:

  1. You are in my prayers everyday. Give Dylan a big hug and kiss. He's stole my heart. My prayer everyday is our Heavenly Father will keep His healing hands over Dylan and he will make a speedy recovery.
